
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Barabara Bestor Architecture SCI-Arc Gallery Exhibition

Friend, artist and architect extraordinaire- Barbara Bestor will be having an opening on April 1
960 e 3rd St.
Los Angeles,CA 90013

Disco Silencio!

Disco Architecture encourages

visual excess and explores the

space between social promiscuity

and solipsistic trance. The Silent

Disco employs technologies of

superfi cial deception inspired by

Razzle Dazzle camoufl age. This

WW1 military technique used bold

graphic and anamorphic surfaces

to mislead enemy bombers about

the size, speed and direction of a

warship. Within our constructed

space this defl ective graphic

strategy is conjoined with the

refl ective effect of embedded mirror

ball fragments, whose strategy is to

distort the visual space by refracting

light - a hybrid of military and disco

architectures of surface.

Disco Refugio?

This disco is a refuge, providing

respite from the institutional

production of architecture with a

program that stimulates communal

exchange. When unfolded, the shape

of this overscale three-dimensional

form reveals a dance fl oor that invites

the social and engages the physical-

a polyhedron of hedonism. The

plywood panels appear to advance

and recede within the space,

obscuring the parameters of the

disco and offering up multiple spatial

possibilities based on the visual

perception of form. The silent disco

is a stealthy architecture, imbued

with disinformation of literal form.

Disco Colludo!

In real time the silent disco has a day and nightlife of its own. By day the

refl ective surfaces capture and refract rays, populating the space with a

silent volume of light, both tranquil and kinetic.

By night the disco has

many programs- including a downloadable soundtrack and dance parties

with dj kitty kat, lasers, projections and fog. Like any other club, the

disco silencio’s geometry naturally offers back rooms and dark corridors,

an alternative refuge to the visual din of the dance fl oor.

April 1 - May 15

SCI-Arc Gallery Exhibition